Click here to see our available teacup pigs for sale!

Make sure you check out our teacup pigs for sale page.

Please call or text Karen at 801-376-5785. to ask about available teacup pigs. We offer financing and at times will have older piglets available at a discount.

Pampered Piglets is proud to announce that we will be giving away a free teacup piglet to one of our lucky Premium Newsletter subscribers Every month!

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Premium Newsletter Subscribers will receive a monthly newsletter about teacup pigs. Newsletter subscription is $10 a month. We will also be holding a drawing each month for a free teacup piglet.

Teacup Pigs Can Be a Great Pet to Have on Many Levels

People from New Mexico are finding out everyday how teacup pigs are the new rage in household pets. Have you heard of teacup pigs, know what they are, but are still confused by the whole thing? Don’t worry if you are because many people still are. We find at that most people are a little apprehensive about embracing teacup pigs as pets because they do have a lot of background knowledge about the specifics of how they will fit into your regular household lifestyle. Those concerns are totally understandable because whether you are from New Mexico or any other state you want to be sure that the pet you are bringing into your house will fit in from day one and not cause any added inconvenience as a result of living in your house. For many people to even think of a pig living in their house is so far out of the realm of anything they ever thought of which is why we take the time to educate people on the benefits to having them as pets. Let’s take a look at some factors that make having a teacup pig ideal.

Did you move to New Mexico because it is friendlier in terms of having to deal with allergic reactions? If so, the last thing you want to do is have something living under your roof that has fur. Some people are very allergic to wither dog or cat fur for instance. They may only realize this after they already own one which can lead to a miserable set of circumstances to say the least. A teacup pigs will not cause you problems in this area because they have skin just like humans do and have no fur. If you do not have allergic reaction this may not seem like such an important benefit, but if you have allergic reactions or know someone who does you probably fully comprehend how important this factor is.

Do you have other pets? It can be nerve-racking bringing another pet into the equation because you may be nervous about how they will relate to the pets you currently have. Teacup pigs are known for getting along with other household pets so your current pet will not feel threatened that another animal is coming along to infringe on their territory in any way. If anything you will give your current pet a chance to be social with other pets which can only help them from a social level as well. Developing socially is very important to any pet’s development and teacup pigs will fit seamlessly in this way as well.

At we are constantly teaching New Mexico residents about the benefits that a teacup pig can bring to your household. All of the teacup pigs we raise are well-behaved so all you have to do is just keep consistent with the care we already provide and train them to fit into your house. Once they are used to their new environment you will see why so many people love having them around.

Contact us for more information

Teacup Pigs In New Mexico